A guide to NSW and Australian Government Tenders
How to get involved in NSW and Australian Government Tenders
All interested parties must register via the buy NSW website and apply to be pre-qualified for NSW Government-led tenders.
Please see below for instructions.
Industry Capability Network (ICN)
(ICN) ICN is a network of experienced industry procurement and supply chain specialists who introduce businesses large and small to projects large and small across NSW and Australia / New Zealand. They provide powerful procurement and supply chain tools including a useful and up-to-date project list of local, NSW and Australian Government procurement and project opportunities.
Click here for more information on Industry Capability Network NSW
NSW Government
The NSW Government typically procures through Pre-Qualification Schemes. We recommend interested parties register on the NSW e-Tender website.
This website has a registration page and also search functions for past, current and future tender opportunities across NSW. As of October 2020, the eTender supplier profile has been replaced with the Supplier Hub. Existing eTender supplier profiles will be automatically synchronised with the Supplier Hub.
Transport for NSW has recently released its 2025 Infrastructure Pipeline table.
Here you filter by project type, scale, region and timelines across NSW-wide transport infrastructure projects.
Australian Government
The Australian Government has a similar website portal of all current and planned tender opportunities.
Please note that WSA Co (Western Sydney Airport) list their current and upcoming tenders on their website.
Tender Opportunities and (Mandated) Supplier Registration
To get started, build your supplier profile
Your supplier profile provides comprehensive information to buyers which they may not be able to find elsewhere. It can include:
- Licences, accreditations and awards
- Your special capabilities and expertise
- References and case studies
- Government credentials
- Information about your team members
Step 1 - Create a Supplier Hub Account, register for notifications
1. From the buy NSW homepage, click on the “Log in or sign up” button (top right of screen)
- Select the Sign up tab
- Select “I’m a supplier”
- Enter your name, email address and create a password
- Click Create account
- You will receive an email to the address you’ve entered, to verify it’s you creating the account
3. Once you’re registered, you need to complete the minimum mandatory requirements on your Supplier Account (e.g. ABN, contact details and selecting your products and services).
This should take you less than 5 minutes.
The information you provide on this page will be visible on your supplier profile and publicly available unless otherwise indicated.Fill in each tab under the Supplier account page and refer to the blue boxes for tips.
You can find your dashboard by clicking on the drop down menu under your avatar.On your dashboard you will see an overview of your account, current opportunities based on the information you’ve provided to us in your Supplier Account page and other tools to help you manage your account.
Inviting a team member to join your Supplier Hub Profile
Add team members to your company profile by clicking on your Team members tile on your dashboard.
Only the account owner can add or remove users on their Supplier Profile.Team members do not have the same level of permission as the account owner. If the account owner accidentally removes a team member, contact us and we can re-activate them.
Sending the invitation will trigger an email to the address entered.
Registering as a team member of an existing Supplier Profile
If you're a team member, you can request to be added to your company's Supplier Profile.
Each team member needs their own registered account. Once you've created your login, you’ll be prompted to enter the business name and ABN of your company. If it already exists on Supplier Hub, you can request to join the profile.
The primary contact on the account will receive an email to confirm your role.
As a team member, you can edit the company profile details and submit updates to a scheme membership, if your company has one.

Find out more
If you have specific questions you can email us at [email protected] or call us on 1800 679 289.
You can sign up for more alerts and news with ProcureAlert, provided by the NSW Procurement team. Sign up at https://info.buy.nsw.gov.au/news/subscription
Step 2 - Search for opportunities and awarded contracts
To search for current opportunities, closed opportunities and recently awarded contracts, go to www.tenders.nsw.gov.au.
Step 3 - Apply for a prequalification scheme
NSW Government has a range of prequalification schemes (e.g. Consultants in Construction up to $9 million Scheme). When an agency needs to buy goods or services, it can approach these prequalified suppliers for a tender, quote, proposal, or via direct negotiation www.buy.nsw.gov.au/schemes.
Major projects are procured through multi-stage competitive open tender processes
- Market Sounding to assess market appetite and feedback
- Expression of Interest to identify potential suppliers
- Request for Tender to enable potential suppliers to submit a bid
- Tender Evaluation by Independent Panel to assess value for money
- Contract Negotiations between NSW Government and tenderer recommended by Independent Panel
- Contract Award subject to successful negotiations with preferred tenderer and government approval processes
Engaging on procurement managed by the Authority
Consulting services
Some of the prequalification schemes in use are outlined below.
Consultants in Construction (up to $9 Million AUD)
The scheme covers construction-related consulting services such as project management, planning, engineering, security, architectural services and assessments.
Procurements under the scheme must be valued below $9 million.
Construction Works (over $1 Million AUD)
The scheme offers panels of prequalified contractors for construction and related works to service the requirements of NSW government agencies, state owned corporations, public institutions (such as universities) and NSW local government councils.
Performance and Management Services (PMS)
The PMS Scheme has a pool of suppliers prequalified to supply professional services, including consultancy, to NSW Government.
Government Architect Scheme
The Government Architect’s Strategy and Design Prequalification Scheme is focused on the delivery of strategic advice, design quality and innovation in the built environment.
Major Projects
The Authority is leading a number of major projects. These include the multi-utility project, enabling works for Bradfield City Centre as well as procurement of contractors to design and build the Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility.
In line with NSW Government best practice, these projects will be procured through open competitive tender processes. To optimise outcomes and value for money, these will usually be multi-stage processes initiated through a detailed market sounding exercise to gather industry insights and feedback.
Important: This information is provided for information purposes only. It is indicative only, does not amount to a warranty as to outcome, and does not constitute a representation, an offer or solicitation of an offer to initiate or conclude any particular transaction.