Policies and Procedures
Staff are employed by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI), therefore a number of DPHI policies are applicable to Authority staff.
- Agency Information Guide (PDF, 248 KB)
- BDA | Charter of the Bradfield Development Authority 2024 -2027 (PDF, 223 KB)
- Board Charter (PDF, 180 KB)
- DPHI | Code of Ethics and Conduct (PDF, 400 KB)
- BDA and AMRF | Collaborative Shared Arrangement ARC Charter (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- BDA and AMRF | Collaborative Shared Arrangement Internal Audit Charter (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- BDA | Compliance Management Framework (PDF, 400 KB)
- Consultant and Contractor Engagement Policy (PDF, 223 KB)
- Contracts Register (available at NSW Government eTendering website)
- BDA | External Complaint Handling Procedure (PDF, 586 KB)
- DPC | Flexible Working Hours Agreement (PDF, 18 MB)
- Fraud and Corruption Control Framework (PDF, 453 KB)
- BDA | Gifts and Benefits Policy (PDF, 372 KB)
- BDA | Gifts and Benefits Declaration Register (PDF, 74 KB)
- Guide to complying with the WPCA Act provisions relating to use of information and influence (PDF, 207 KB)
- Land Acquisition and Divestment Policy (PDF, 309 KB)
- Prevention and Management of Bullying and Harassment Policy (PDF, 246 KB)
- DPHI | Privacy (Data) Breach Policy (PDF, 136 KB)
- DPHI | Privacy Management Plan (PDF, 660 KB)
- Procedures for Meetings and Precommercial Engagement with Third Parties (PDF, 478 KB)
- Procurement Policy (Goods and Services) (PDF, 311 KB)
- DPHI | Public Interest Disclosures Policy and Procedures (PDF, 311 KB)
- Records Creation Capture and Storage Policy and Procedure (PDF, 333 KB)
- Records Management Framework (PDF, 324 KB)
- Registered Lobbyist Contact Register (PDF, 269 KB)
- BDA | Risk Management Framework (PDF, 729 KB)
- BDA | Statement of Business Ethics
- WHS Manual (PDF, 900 KB)
- WHS Policy (PDF, 245 KB)