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WPCA Community Newsletter - July 2022

If you wish to receive news and information from the Western Parkland City Authority, please register here.

Acknowledgement of Country

The Western Parkland City Authority acknowledges more than 60,000 years of continuous Aboriginal connection to the land that makes up New South Wales.

Since time immemorial, Aboriginal people have managed, cultivated and cared for the landscape where Greater Sydney was established and continues to grow. Aboriginal people hold profound knowledge, understanding, obligation and custodianship of the landscape.

The Western Parkland City Authority acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands that include the Western Parkland City and the living culture of the traditional custodians of these lands.


“Exciting” doesn’t even begin to describe the last couple of months! In this newsletter you will hear about our progress on the Bradfield City Centre - Australia’s newest city - as well as how we are partnering with local schools to capture the creative ideas of students on how to build a city for the future.

We share where our new Western Sydney Parkland Authority headquarters will be. Could you guess where it is from the picture above?

And we outline new ways you can connect with us. We are really looking forward to being in the community and sharing our progress with you, answering your questions and hearing your ideas.

Our community newsletter is designed to give you a small snapshot of the work we are doing to help attract investment, improve opportunities and support job creation across the eight council areas that make up the Western Parkland City, as shown on the map below. I hope you enjoy reading about our work and, as always, we would love to hear from you.

Sarah Hill, CEO
Western Parkland City Authority

WPC Council Divisions V5 v2

New headquarters

The Western Parkland City Authority employs around 150 staff and we can’t wait to move into our new head office in Penrith early next year. In June the Minister for Western Sydney, Stuart Ayres, officiated at a topping out ceremony for the new building in which we will be based.  

A highlight of the ceremony was a warm Welcome to Country by Kayne Moreton of Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council. Located close to Penrith Station, our team is looking forward to meeting the local community and exploring the shops and food places near our  
new headquarters. 

Fun Fact: A topping out ceremony is a centuries-old tradition that celebrates the completion of the highest point of a new building. It is often celebrated by placing a tree on the top of the building, which is said to bring good luck! 

topping out

Eyes to the future - Pictured: Penrith City Council Deputy Mayor John Thain, Minister for Western Sydney Stuart Ayres, WPCA Board Chair Jennifer Westacott, Property and Development NSW Executive Director Commercial Development Stace Fishwick and WPCA CEO Sarah Hill on top of the new building in Penrith that will become headquarters for the Authority next year.  

Working with local schools

We have partnered with Western Sydney University to develop and deliver a teacher training program for local schools. Around 20 teachers will work with the university and our Aerotropolis delivery team to develop an inquiry-based learning program based on the Bradfield City Centre.  

Students from 11 local primary and high schools involved in the program will come up with problems and design solutions based on the idea of building a city from scratch in their own “backyard”. We can’t wait to meet these students and teachers and hear all their fabulous ideas. 

Master Plan

We are developing a master plan for the Bradfield City Centre to outline how the city will grow and evolve over time. The master plan will describe the different land uses across the city centre and guide the location of parks and open spaces, buildings, roads, public transport and community facilities. 

The master plan will focus on how to place community connections at the heart of the city to enable art, culture, retail and entertainment to thrive. Sustainability and designing with Country will form the foundations of the Bradfield City Centre, as will our commitment to weave technology and smart infrastructure throughout the city. 

Bradfield Approach Rev A

Over the coming months, we will seek community feedback as we develop the draft master plan, before the Master Plan Application is lodged with the Department of Planning and Environment. You can register your interest to learn more about the master plan and to be notified when we start community consultation here wpca.sydney/get-involved/contact-us. 

Budget win for advanced manufacturing

In our last newsletter we introduced you to our Advanced Manufacturing Research Facility (AMRF). 


The NSW Premier has since announced that $260 million will be provided to build the full-scale AMRF facility in the Bradfield City Centre. The AMRF facility will be Australia’s first shared-use manufacturing research facility and is expected to be operational in 2026. The facility will provide businesses, engineers and researchers access to some of the most advanced manufacturing technologies in the world to test, scale up and commercialise new manufacturing methods. 

Come and chat with us

The first of our quarterly cross-agency Aerotropolis community information drop-in sessions will be held on Saturday 20 August at the Bringelly Community Centre at 5 Greendale Rd, Bringelly.  
We are bringing together Sydney Water, Transport for NSW, Sydney Metro, Department of Planning, Western Sydney Airport, Liverpool Council and Penrith Council so that you can pop in and ask any of us a question or chat to us about our work in the area. We would love to see you there between 10am and 2pm!  

Before then, you might like to visit our website and have a look at our major government projects community information portal. The portal is designed to help you find information and updates on the major government projects planned or underway across the Aerotropolis.  

And don’t forget that Wendy, our Aerotropolis Community Precinct Manager, is available to help you with any questions you may have. You can contact Wendy via email at [email protected] or by telephone 1800 312 999. 

camden expo

Pictured: The WPCA Team at the Camden Careers Expo in April – we are looking forward to
meeting you at our cross-agency community pop up in August.

Working with you

As our neighbours we would like to hear from you. We invite you to visit our website to find out more about our work and to share your ideas and aspirations for the Bradfield City Centre and the Aerotropolis.

We would love to hear your ideas and feedback. If you would like to be involved in any upcoming community information and consultation sessions please call us on 1800 312 999 or email us at [email protected].

Visit our subscription page to receive information, news and updates.

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